Monday, June 29, 2009

Sick Again

Sickness has hit later this time for Scott. He has been really feeling crummy the last few days. He has stayed in bed most days. Yesterday he was out watering the yard in the morning and blacked out a little. He said he felt dizzy and saw white. He just sat down in the grass until it all passed. Scared me to death when he told me. He was out alone while we were still sleeping. If he would have went down hard we wouldn't have known. He woke up this morning feeling pretty good. So, he asked us if we wanted to go to OKC and maybe see a movie. We made it up there to Hobby Lobby and to Sams and that was all he could take. We came home and rented movies and he has slept. He got up and was making a model car with Jacob and became very nauseous. He has taken a couple doses of phenergan and is back in bed. I am going to miss my run with the girls, but I don't feel comfortable leaving him like this. Especially with the kids being home alone. This part is always so hard. I hate when he feels bad. I have been clinging to Jeremiah 32:27 today which reads, "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" He has Scott in His hands. I know that. I just pray He gives Scott some relief soon!

We had a blessing yesterday. Our friends the Holly's are moving to a new house and didn't need their oak dining room table and gave it to us. It fits perfectly in our kitchen. Our old table was wobbly and we all couldn't hardly fit around it. It is beatiful.

Jordan spent the night with her friend Fhionna last night. Their family has a zipline going across their pond on their land. Jordan had a ball playing over there. She has not stopped talking about it. Jess is planning on going to the movies with her friend Lauren tomorrow and Jacob is spending the night with his friend Jackson. I am going to get a haircut and cleaning house I guess. I really need to get a new cleaning lady soon! I can do it right now, but when school starts, I am going to go crazy if I don't have someone in place!

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