Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ok, the bad news first. Not really bad, but bad enough. Come to find out Scott's platelet level was 38000. Normal is 150,000-450,000. This as you can imagine is not good. He has had a headache several days, I am assuming this is why. He works hard at work all day and comes home just exhausted. He sat down tonight to eat a sandwich and decided he couldn't make it to the VBS Family Night. That is fine, just sad, frustrating, makes me feel so bad for him. We did not hear back from the hospital today on where his numbers are. This just makes me so MAD! As my friend Gordonna said, they see 200 people and think this isn't huge, but when you are going through it it certainly is big. Especially when I need to sleep at night!

Ok, so for the happy part. This is going to seem so silly to you all. But, I have always wanted to pet/hold a monkey. Always, as long as I can remember. Tonight I got to!!!!! At the Family Night, there were animals and it was so neat! It felt a lot like a dog, but it's little hands felt like people hands. Jordan got to hold it as well as a wallaby. It was pretty exciting for us.

We are planning on trying to go to Fall's Creek for a little while in the morning if Scott feels like it. I am ready to see Jess. Jacob gets home tomorrow night. I have a funny story to tell on him. He had called a few times last night and we never connected. I have never known him to get homesick, so I thought surely not. But, there were the calls. This morning I tried to call him back and didn't get him. I told him to call on my cell. So, a little while later he called back and is definitely not homesick. He wanted permission to get an airbrush tatoo! My little rebel! That just cracks me up and makes me so proud at the same time that he thought he better call to get permission! He is getting a tiger on his shoulder. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come, but I guess if it is, it isn't the end of the world!
Yeah for God making such intersting animals! Rach

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