Friday, June 26, 2009

Walking With God

My cousin Teresa had this on her note this morning and it really spoke to me. From Bedside Blessings by Charles Swindoll"Walking with God is the most exciting and rewarding of all experiences on earth. I should add, it is also the most difficult. I don't think I've ever met an exception to the rule, that those who walk closest to God are those who, like Jesus, become acquainted with trials and testings. God takes us through struggles and difficulties so that we might become increasingly more commmitted to Him.""Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing."I Peter 4:12

Through this cancer journey, I have felt God's love and Him drawing me in more than ever. I know my relationship with God does not consist of feeling only, but I love the fact that He has made Himself known more during this time. I have really needed that.

I was talking to Scott this morning and he told me that at his appointment yesterday Dr. Toma told him that he has gone through this better than any patient she has ever had. I am so thankful for that. And, in a crazy funny way, it makes me proud of him. This is the last day of his regular chemo. He will have shots the next two weeks and chemo on the next two Tuesdays. Dr. Toma said in five weeks he will have a CT scan and then see his Neurologist. Amazing that the cracked vertebrate we were so worried about hasn't hardly been mentioned through this. It will be interesting to see how that is.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,
    Loved your post this morning. Please know that we are continuing to pray you through this journey, and we can't wait to celebrate with you at it's end :-) I can't imagine how hard the weeks of waiting will be, but know that the same God will sustain you there as well. Much love,
