Friday, July 31, 2009

whew! busy!

We have had a busy whirlwind few days. It has been so good though. I have been working on getting report cards written, a course description written and planning done with the teacher i am going to be working with, Linda Holley. It has been fun, but tiring. Scott has been busy at work trying to get everything lined out for three worship services and two Sunday Schools coming up in August. Our pastor and his wife are out of town, so Scott gets to preach on Sunday. I am very excited about that. He does a great job. I keep forgetting to write about what happened while we were in Bartlesville. Made me so mad...Scott and his dad went into a gun store (imagine that). The worker there made the comment to Scott something like you lookin to buy some hair? Scott said he just stood there a minute. He finally said, I have to beat cancer for that to happen. People say the stupidist things sometimes. I am glad Scott told me after we had left. Kind of a reminder for me and everyone to watch your words and your prejudices. You never know what people have been through or are dealing with. Don't make assumptions and watch what you say. Enough of that soap box! The kids got to go on the sled dog ride today. After they got to play with the snowdogs. It looks like they had a ball. The kids got my love for animals, so they were in heaven getting to play with the puppies! They will be going whale watching next I think. I am sure missing them!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Praise God!

What a great day! The dr says that Scott's cancer is GONE! She said that he will need to meet with the neurosurgeon just to be safe. He has loss in bone there where the cancer was, but Dr. Toma was not concerned. She suggested taking calcium. We asked about his port and she said her philosophy is why wait for the cancer to return, take it out! She feels we are done with cancer! She also said there is no guarentee, but that she is very optimistic. I can not tell you what a relief that is for us! Scott will go back to the dr in three months for another CT scan and MRI and blood work. He is anemic, but that should resolve itself soon. Wow, what a relief all this is. Thank you all for praying for us. I was a nervous wreck last night. I thought there was no possible way I would sleep and God just was so faithful to let me have a good nights rest. I know God was in that, reading Psalm 29:11. "The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." I certainly have felt that peace today. I was reading some of my verses I have bookmarked through this journey and read Psalm 50:15 this morning. It reads, "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor Me." I want God to recieve all praise and honor for Scott's healing. He made a horrible situation bearable. He put people in our lives along the way to help and guide us. I am so thankful for my faith. How do people do it that don't believe? We are anxiously awaiting the day when we hear the word remission! I will continue to blog. This has been such a great tool for my emotions. Thanks again for your love, support and prayers! Rachel

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Waiting Game

I had this great note typed all up last night and for some reason we lost our internet connection just as I was getting ready to post it....argh. So, here it goes again!
Scott had his CT Scan and MRI yesterday and his blood work done. We now have to do what I do the worst...wait. This has been an incredibly long journey and I am so ready for us to know where we stand now. God has been faithful in providing for us so many things throughout the journey. We are so thankful for our family and friends who have loved on us and supported us. From March until about June we didn't have to worry about dinner, it was brought to us. That was amazing. Not to have to worry about what to cook was so nice. Plus, it really helped with our budget. People have been so kind to take care of our yard. It is amazing to hear a lawn mower and realize it is your yard being cared for! Thanks. I am such a girly girl that I normally do not do the lawn, not that I can't I just haven't ever had to, and what a relief that was to me not to have to! Some of you have been so kind to give us gift cards for various places and even dropped a little money in the mail for us. Thank you. Cancer is amazingly expensive. One of the biggest shocks to me was that everyone expects their money up front. Not to menition that we had to pay for 5-7 prescriptions each round. And for the hundreds of you that sent us notes of encouragement, thank you! You will never know how that kind word was so special to us. I am sure I am forgetting to thank someone else, but most importantly I want to thank those of you who have prayed for us. This should by all means have been devastating to our family. God has given us the peace and comfort that you all have prayed for. We have seen His hand every step of the way. Now, it isn't easy. Let me tell ya. Not easy at all. There have been many sleepless nights, tummy aches and tears. But through all that we have felt God's presence stronger than ever before. THANK YOU ALL!
The kids are doing well. They are staying in Soldotna, Alaska right now. The guys will do fishing and I am not sure what the girls are going to do the next few days. I am sure they will find something. We Skyped with Gary and Ashlie and sweet baby Addison last night. Jess was texting me during that time and had the idea to call and put the kids on speaker phone to talk to them. Didn't work very well, but at least they got to say hello! Addison, by the way, is amazing. She is very long like Jessica was as a baby and very skinny. She loves to put her hands up to her face. I wish we could be there soon to see her and hold her!
I worked yesterday all day and will do the same today. Everything is really feeling like it is coming together. I finished my little handbook yesterday, which is always a relief. Today I think I am going to work on my lesson plans for the first few days. Anyway, I hope you all have a great day.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wow, Can't Believe it is Saturday AGAIN!

This week flew by. The best news of the week is that my niece, Addison Elizabeth Schooler was born on the 24th at 2:21 San Diego time! She is amazingly beautiful. She is a little squirt, 5 lbs 15 oz! I can hardly wait to get to see her and get my hands on her! It will be a while :(.
The kids went white water rafting today and to a dinner theater tonight. They will be going on a 12 hour safari tomorrow. They are having a ball.
I went to OKC this morning to pick up a few things for school. Then this afternoon went to school and worked until about 7:30. My room is starting to feel like it is coming together. I am really ready for school to start! THat means my kids will be home! YAHOOO! I am sure missing them.
Scott goes in Monday for a CT Scan and an MRI. He will then meet with his oncologist Dr. Toma on Wednesday. We went out to eat this afternoon and I asked if he was nervous. He said he is most nervous about what the neurosurgeon will say about his bone in his neck/back. I am a basket case. Scared doesn't even begin to explain my emotions. I am on the verge of crying all the time. Just so many things to wonder about. Makes my tummy hurt to be honest. I just want everything to be ok, normal. It has been so long since we have felt "normal". I try not to let cancer define who we are, but it is incredibly hard. I know God is in control and has us in His hands. The waiting is so tough.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Scott and I are having a great time in Dewey. He went to some antique stores with his parents today while I went to my Great Expectations conference. I had a good day. Learned a lot about the brain. I am wiped out tonight though!

I talked to the kids last night. They had a ball panning for gold. They all found some and put it in a container. They rested today. They walked to the store, Fred Meyers, like Walmart. The kids each got a picture frame that says Alaska. They will travel tomorrow, then they will go on a bus safari type thing...really technical I know. They will see lots of animals and get to hike a little. Sounds like fun to me!
Scott is feeling well. His color looks better every day. He has little hairs starting to pop up back on his head. Can't tell what color it is yet. His eyebrows and eyelashes are continuing to fall out. Funny how it all works. I am just so thankful that he is feeling well.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Scott and I made it to Dewey. We drove by where my conference will be in Bartlesville. Seems easy to get to. I am very directionally challenged. We are staying at Scott's parent's house. It should be a relaxing week here. I am happy that Scott is getting a break away from doctors and tests and poking. I know he is as well.

I got quite a bit done at school this morning. I made a good dent in the mess in my room. I will feel better once that is all together. I made a huge mess trying to clean out all the kindergarten stuff. I am glad to have things organized.
The kids are having a great time. They have really enjoyed playing in and by the river. I think they may be panning for gold today. I have tried to text a few times but haven't gotten a hold of anyone today.

I got a new iPhone today. Mine kept messing up, so I am glad to get it. No real big news in the last few days. No news is good news I guess

Friday, July 17, 2009


Scott is doing G-R-E-A-T! He worked today and then went to sight in guns with some friends this afternoon. He seems to not be so tired tonight. I think he is getting his strength back. I am so thankful!I worked today.

Got some things together with the other prek teacher I will be working with, Linda Holly. I think we will get along great. She is so nice. We seem to have the same teaching styles and I really enjoy being with her. She has taught several years and I am excited to learn from her! I got some new teaching materials at the big sales yesterday that needed to be laminated. We don't have access to the laminater at school, so I took it up to Mardel's today to laminate. I had 33 feet of lamination! Yikes! I almost have everything cut out. It will be worth it becuase everything will last longer.

The kids are in Fairbanks, Alaska now. They are going to pan for gold tomorrow and go on a riverboat tour. They are excited to get started on all the excursions! They are also going to the real North Pole in the next few days. I told my mom to be sure to take lots of pictures! I am attaching some pics of the kids my mom sent today. Jacob is the always funny guy...wonder who he gets that from!?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Life is Good!

John 1:16 From the fullness of His grace we have recieved one blessing after another.
I certainly feel those blessings today. I am so blessed!
I got to text back and forth with the kids tonight! YAHOOOOOO! We never thought to use Jacob's iPod touch to text. He has that free texting feature, so we talked back and forth for about an hour. I am so glad that we got to talk with them. They sound like they are having a good time, but are tired of being in the car. Imagine that, they have been going since a week ago last Sunday!
Scott is feeling really good, very tired still, especially when he doesn't sleep at night, like last night. Pray he will get a good nights rest. Life is better when you are not sleepy!
I got to spend the day with my Aunt Lydia and Uncle Verland today. I helped Aunt Lydia put together a wedding album for Bethany, her grandaughter. I really enjoyed getting to be with them. We got to go eat lunch together and I took them by Scott's office to show off his deer head. They were impressed!
I also got to go to the YMCA with my friend Natalie this morning. My arms feel like they are going to fall off! I think that is supposed to be a good thing??!!! I enjoy getting to work out with her so much! I am going to run in the morning. I was going to go tonight, but I am so tired and I GOT TO TALK TO MY KIDS VIA TEXT!!! Did I mention that!?
Scott goes for a labs tomorrow, then has a CT Scan and an MRI on around the 27th, then a couple days later an appt with Dr. Toma. Still uncertain when he will meet with the neurosurgeon. I try not to dwell on those appts too much. I get nervous and worried. I want all reports to be more than we have hoped for!
Ok, the picture today is of me and Scott on our first date, ironically, it was at IBC to a youth valentines party! This was taken in 1992!

Monday, July 13, 2009


We have had a busy last few days! We went to the Yard Dawgz game on Saturday night with a group from church. It was fun. Sunday was just amazing. Our church baptized 34 people. God is really working in our church. I feel so blessed to be a part of it. It was really neat, the church bought a pool and set it up outside and our pastor and youth minister traded off baptizing 29 people. During the invitation that day, five people came and said that they had recieved Christ, but had never been baptized, so Todd, our pastor went out and baptized them as well. After the service, we went to eat with some of our staff and our new Associate Youth Minister and his wife. Scott was pretty worn out after all that so we came home and he napped. We ran around OKC all day today and he kept up! I was amazed. Now this evening he was completely exhausted, but I am so thankful he is able to be up and about more and more.
Haven't heard from the kids. I guess they are still in Canada. I am really missing them and will be glad when they call. When I can at least talk to them I do so much better. I bet they are having a wonderful time.
Our S.O.A.R. running group at church met tonight. We crazies ran in the heat. It was 95 degrees at 8:15 when we ran. I hope that 5K in October is a breeze now that we have had to endure all this heat! I am up to jogging two miles without stopping. I am pretty proud! I was talking to my friend Candyce about how amazing it is that God has brought us all together. This group would not have probably found each other outside of running together. It is a huge blessing! God certainly knew I needed the friendship, love and support I get from them! He is so good!

Friday, July 10, 2009

SURPRISE! sigh....

Ok, so are you ready for this?!! Scott and I went on a date tonight. And guess what? We weren't planning on it! I love surprises. I am praising God, let me tell you. Ok, so here is what happened. Scott shot a deer in November 2007. He took it right away to this taxadermy place off of Anderson Rd in MWC. This deer was an 11 point deer. It weighed in gutted at 145 pounds! He is so excited! Ok, so I really don't understand the thrill of shooting Bambi, but that is beside the point! He has called and called and called and called this guy. Sometimes he would get him and the guy would say oh we are on it, just give us a little more time....sometimes, nearly every time, the guy just would not answer the phone. Scott was so frustrated. To make an extreme long story short, today Scott called and told the guy we were on the way to just get the antlers and skin (ewww). The guy says wait a minute, came back and said he couldn't find any record. Scott was TICKED! To say the least! So the guy finally finds it and says oh it is done. Here it is. Scott says well, after having it 22 months I am so glad. The guy didn't believe that he had had it that long, but when he saw the reciept apologized. So after 22 months and two bouts of cancer, Scott has his deer head. Now the big debate is where to put it. I told him if I can have a cat it can go in the house. He said no way. So I say no way. I think it may end up at the church in his office, although he is afraid it may offend some people. I said everyone there knows you are a hunter, they are not going to care. We will see I guess.
After he picked up the deer, he needed to run by Sams quick so we did. He asked if there were any movies playing at the Bricktown theater, I knew he wanted to see Transformers, so we went. Being with him was the best thing I can say about that movie! I really didn't like it at all! It was loud and long. But we were together so I was thrilled. After he said, let's run get something to eat, so we went to Appleby's and ate. I was thinking on the way home, this day couldn't have been better if we would have planned it. Plus on the way home the Steven Curtis Chapman song, I Will Be Here played on the radio! We love that song. It was in our wedding. Scott is now sitting in the bedroom looking at his deer with a goofy smile on his face!
Tomorrow I am hoping he gets to rest quite a bit becuase we are going to a Yard Dawgs game in the evening with a group from church. Please pray he has the strentgh. He is very excited about this.
Ok, so here is a few pics of the deer. The one with the body still attached (eww again) is November 2007. The one of Scott and the head is tonight. :)<

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beans and Cornbread?

Scott is feeling better. Still very exhausted all the time, but better. He has been bugging me to make beans and cornbread. I keep telling him that is a fall/winter meal, but he really is hungry for them so, I am making beans and cornbread today. I put lots of different meats in our beans and they are very yummy. Just don't think I have ever cooked them in the summer. I guess it really doesn't matter! Scott had a hard time sleeping last night so he took his meds that help him relax and he didn't have time to sleep them off. He is back in bed. I hope he sleeps a long time. He sure needs it.
I went to pick up a couple things at the store today and found the sweetest little OU cheerleader outfit for my almost born niece Addison. I can't wait to see it on her! Really, I can't wait to see her! She is due the first part of August.
The kids and my parents are almost in Canada. They are going to call one last time before they get there becuase all their phones have to be off while they are there. They would have to pay international rates if they didn't. They went to Yellowstone yesterday. They were at Old Faithful and called and told Scott and me to get on the computer that there was a webcam there. We got to see them! It was so neat! I am thankful for technology! Jordan tripped somehow yesterday on her flip flop (oh yeah she is related to her mamma!) and ripped part of her toenail off and skinned up her toe. She said it really hurt. I guess Jacob saved my parents dog yesterday. Hank, the dog, saw a buffalo near the road and tried to jump out to get it. Jacob just barely caught him before he made it out the window! They are going to have some fun stories to tell I bet!
I have been pretty emotional the last few days. I am not sure why. I know the chemo is over and I am so happy about that, but I think this waiting period is going to be the worst. Yesterday I went to the Ladies Bible Study Book Club discussion over Redeeming Love. We were talking and we read Psalm 72:12. It really spoke to me. It reads, "For He will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help." We talked about all we have to do as Christians is cry out to God. He will deliver us. I am so thankful for God's love and compassion. That was just what I needed! And let me tell ya, I have really been crying out to God! I am so ready for all this to be done! I am posting some pics from my mom's cell and one from the Old Faithful Cam. Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Last Chemo! But pretty sick...

Drum roll please....Scott finished his last chemo yesterday. He was feeling really tired, and just not right. Actually this has been going on for several days. He found out his platelets are low again and his white count is way low. So, the doctor said stay home, rest and stay away from people. He can hardly stand being down, but he is doing what he was told! I expected to be so relieved and excited to be done, but it is really hard to be happy like that when he is sick. Hopefully it will get better from here! I am really tired, emotionally and physically.

The kids have made it to Yellowstone. Listen to this. They got all set up at their campsite yesterday and started visiting with the people next to them and their son works at the hair place Scott and Jacob go to and he goes to our church. It is a small world. They are driving through yellowstone today and going to Old Faithful, then off to Calgary, Canada. I know they are going to a big rodeo there. Not sure what all else they have planned there. They do have to find a place to get my dad's windshield fixed, a semi through a huge rock out and it came up and cracked their windshield. My mom is supposed to be sending me a couple of pictures to post from her phone of the kids. Can't wait to see them!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Lazy Monday

I have to start my note to say that I am so happy that our church staff is nearly complete! We had an ice cream social last night to welcome Jason our Music Minister and Shannon our Children's Minister. It was a lot of fun. Our church is so blessed. God is really working.

I talked to the kids this morning. They made it to South Dakota and stayed in the Yogi Bear Camp Ground. They are off to Mt. Rushmore today, Yellowstone tomorrow, and then will stay a few days in Canada. Then they will start their Alaska adventure. It has been nice to have some quiet in the house, but I already miss them. Scott was talking last night that they are changing so fast right now. All three are growing like little weeds. I can't keep Jess in clothes. Wouldn't surprise me if she is taller than me when they get back!

Yesterday I decided to give our dog Sunny a haircut. I was going to take him to the groomer, but they charge extra for him becuase he is a pitbull in a peekapoo body. So, I got him ok. At least he won't be so hot and stinky. Well, afterwards I noticed that there was poop by the back door. I thought he was mad at me and did it. Scott was feeling pretty bad last night and so I left our bedroom and went to sleep in Jess's room. I let the dogs in bed with me and Boomer our other dog got up right away and had an accident on the floor. ARGH! So I cleaned that up. I was wide awake by then and read the rest of My Sister's Keeper. I have never been so surprised by the ending of a book before. So, I got up this morning to let the dog's out and apparantly the accident yesterday was all Boomer. He had gotten sick all over our laundry room. I was so mad! Not at him, just that I had to clean it up. I bleached the floor and mopped several times.

Scott and I are going to rent movies today. I want him to get rested up so maybe chemo won't be as brutal tomorrow. I will post some pics when my mom sends them of the kids.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4

The first picture:All the brothers and sisters:back row Freemon, Rudy, Mose, Neal, Andy, Larry, Wiliam
Front Row Wilma, Ida, Susie, Lydia, Alma and Edna
Birth Order: Freemon, Edna, Alma, Rudy, Mose, Lydia, Neal, Andy, Larry, Susie, Ida, Wilma, William...13 kids in 18 years, whew!

The second picture is of my kids playing today.

The third picture is of my parents, brother and our family.

We have had a busy few days. We left Friday morning to go to Pryor, Ok for the Troyer family reunion. We had a great time. My dad's family has seven boys and six girls! My grandmother had 13 kids in 18 years! Amazing. They were Amish until my dad was five. My grandfather was a carpenter and wanted power tools, so he was excommunicated from the church. They then became Mennonite. I love my family. They are amazing. So many of them have gone through tremendous heartache and struggles in their lives and have come out so strong. I am so blessed to have such a rich heritage!

The kids (and us) had a ball at the reunion. We played cards, games, and ate and ate and ate! I will need to run extra this week to offset all that! Jess loved admiring and playing with the babies. Jacob and Jordan had a ball running wild with their cousins. They were about nonstop! Jordan met her cousin Anna last summer during her trip with my parents and they hit it off. They played and played this weekend. I wish we lived closer, they live in Mississippi. Maybe we can visit with them and my brother sometime.

We had a bittersweet goodbye today with the kids. I am so excited for them to go to Alaska with my parents, but man, a month and a few days is a long time! I had to suck it up and choke down some tears when we left! They were having such a great time playing with their cousins that they didn't want to stop to hug us and tell us bye! They are leaving bright and early and going to try to make it to South Dakota tomorrow. They are trying to make it ten hours! They brought movies, their DS's, PSP's, iPods, etc to pass the time. They are pretty tired from being so busy the last few days that I bet they will sleep a lot of it. They are going with three of my dad's brother's and their families to camp. I keep asking what all they are going to do and they say everything. So I guess I will be surprised!

Scott did so well this weekend. Friday he took me to the reunion then went to the hotel to rest. Then came for dinner and the evening activities. He made it all day today, but he is one tired puppy tonight! He tried going to bed earlier, but our neighbors are doing some serious fireworks, so he got up to go watch in the rain for a little while. Tuesday will be his LAST CHEMO! I think we need a celebration! Maybe we will wait until we get the all clear in a month or so from the oncologist! I am so ready to be done and I know that he is too. We are so ready for that day!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New Hairdo!

Thought I would post a picture of my new hairdo! I was getting so gray that they were poking out everywhere. I wanted a few highlights. Got quite a few, but I like it ok!

Much Better

Scott is so much better this morning. He was feeling pretty lousy again yesterday after chemo. He wanted to work, but just was too nauseous. He came home and slept and was better yesterday evening. He got up this morning and watered, made himself eggs and was off before I knew it. Kinda scared me because I couldn't find him. I called and he had some errands to run so he had headed out early. I am so thankful that he is feeling better.

I did spinning with my trainer Natalie this morning. When she suggested it, I thought no way, I have heard that is awful. It wasn't so bad. I kinda liked it. I sure enjoy getting to be with her. Thanks for working with me Nat!

I am excited to get to spend the day with the Henson's today (our new music minister's wife and kids). They are coming for lunch and just to hang out this afternoon before church.

I think that between our pastor and me, we may have Scott talked into a facebook. He just is not as social. Not a bad thing, just how he is. I told him it would be fun to send each other messages and what not, he said, why don't you just text me!!?? ARGH! So, when you see/talk to him, give him a hard time for me!
My first picture today is of the birds at my parents house inside their flowers. The other is of Jess and their dog, Susie.