Friday, July 10, 2009

SURPRISE! sigh....

Ok, so are you ready for this?!! Scott and I went on a date tonight. And guess what? We weren't planning on it! I love surprises. I am praising God, let me tell you. Ok, so here is what happened. Scott shot a deer in November 2007. He took it right away to this taxadermy place off of Anderson Rd in MWC. This deer was an 11 point deer. It weighed in gutted at 145 pounds! He is so excited! Ok, so I really don't understand the thrill of shooting Bambi, but that is beside the point! He has called and called and called and called this guy. Sometimes he would get him and the guy would say oh we are on it, just give us a little more time....sometimes, nearly every time, the guy just would not answer the phone. Scott was so frustrated. To make an extreme long story short, today Scott called and told the guy we were on the way to just get the antlers and skin (ewww). The guy says wait a minute, came back and said he couldn't find any record. Scott was TICKED! To say the least! So the guy finally finds it and says oh it is done. Here it is. Scott says well, after having it 22 months I am so glad. The guy didn't believe that he had had it that long, but when he saw the reciept apologized. So after 22 months and two bouts of cancer, Scott has his deer head. Now the big debate is where to put it. I told him if I can have a cat it can go in the house. He said no way. So I say no way. I think it may end up at the church in his office, although he is afraid it may offend some people. I said everyone there knows you are a hunter, they are not going to care. We will see I guess.
After he picked up the deer, he needed to run by Sams quick so we did. He asked if there were any movies playing at the Bricktown theater, I knew he wanted to see Transformers, so we went. Being with him was the best thing I can say about that movie! I really didn't like it at all! It was loud and long. But we were together so I was thrilled. After he said, let's run get something to eat, so we went to Appleby's and ate. I was thinking on the way home, this day couldn't have been better if we would have planned it. Plus on the way home the Steven Curtis Chapman song, I Will Be Here played on the radio! We love that song. It was in our wedding. Scott is now sitting in the bedroom looking at his deer with a goofy smile on his face!
Tomorrow I am hoping he gets to rest quite a bit becuase we are going to a Yard Dawgs game in the evening with a group from church. Please pray he has the strentgh. He is very excited about this.
Ok, so here is a few pics of the deer. The one with the body still attached (eww again) is November 2007. The one of Scott and the head is tonight. :)<

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