Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Last Chemo! But pretty sick...

Drum roll please....Scott finished his last chemo yesterday. He was feeling really tired, and just not right. Actually this has been going on for several days. He found out his platelets are low again and his white count is way low. So, the doctor said stay home, rest and stay away from people. He can hardly stand being down, but he is doing what he was told! I expected to be so relieved and excited to be done, but it is really hard to be happy like that when he is sick. Hopefully it will get better from here! I am really tired, emotionally and physically.

The kids have made it to Yellowstone. Listen to this. They got all set up at their campsite yesterday and started visiting with the people next to them and their son works at the hair place Scott and Jacob go to and he goes to our church. It is a small world. They are driving through yellowstone today and going to Old Faithful, then off to Calgary, Canada. I know they are going to a big rodeo there. Not sure what all else they have planned there. They do have to find a place to get my dad's windshield fixed, a semi through a huge rock out and it came up and cracked their windshield. My mom is supposed to be sending me a couple of pictures to post from her phone of the kids. Can't wait to see them!

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