Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beans and Cornbread?

Scott is feeling better. Still very exhausted all the time, but better. He has been bugging me to make beans and cornbread. I keep telling him that is a fall/winter meal, but he really is hungry for them so, I am making beans and cornbread today. I put lots of different meats in our beans and they are very yummy. Just don't think I have ever cooked them in the summer. I guess it really doesn't matter! Scott had a hard time sleeping last night so he took his meds that help him relax and he didn't have time to sleep them off. He is back in bed. I hope he sleeps a long time. He sure needs it.
I went to pick up a couple things at the store today and found the sweetest little OU cheerleader outfit for my almost born niece Addison. I can't wait to see it on her! Really, I can't wait to see her! She is due the first part of August.
The kids and my parents are almost in Canada. They are going to call one last time before they get there becuase all their phones have to be off while they are there. They would have to pay international rates if they didn't. They went to Yellowstone yesterday. They were at Old Faithful and called and told Scott and me to get on the computer that there was a webcam there. We got to see them! It was so neat! I am thankful for technology! Jordan tripped somehow yesterday on her flip flop (oh yeah she is related to her mamma!) and ripped part of her toenail off and skinned up her toe. She said it really hurt. I guess Jacob saved my parents dog yesterday. Hank, the dog, saw a buffalo near the road and tried to jump out to get it. Jacob just barely caught him before he made it out the window! They are going to have some fun stories to tell I bet!
I have been pretty emotional the last few days. I am not sure why. I know the chemo is over and I am so happy about that, but I think this waiting period is going to be the worst. Yesterday I went to the Ladies Bible Study Book Club discussion over Redeeming Love. We were talking and we read Psalm 72:12. It really spoke to me. It reads, "For He will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help." We talked about all we have to do as Christians is cry out to God. He will deliver us. I am so thankful for God's love and compassion. That was just what I needed! And let me tell ya, I have really been crying out to God! I am so ready for all this to be done! I am posting some pics from my mom's cell and one from the Old Faithful Cam. Have a great day!

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