Monday, June 29, 2009

Sick Again

Sickness has hit later this time for Scott. He has been really feeling crummy the last few days. He has stayed in bed most days. Yesterday he was out watering the yard in the morning and blacked out a little. He said he felt dizzy and saw white. He just sat down in the grass until it all passed. Scared me to death when he told me. He was out alone while we were still sleeping. If he would have went down hard we wouldn't have known. He woke up this morning feeling pretty good. So, he asked us if we wanted to go to OKC and maybe see a movie. We made it up there to Hobby Lobby and to Sams and that was all he could take. We came home and rented movies and he has slept. He got up and was making a model car with Jacob and became very nauseous. He has taken a couple doses of phenergan and is back in bed. I am going to miss my run with the girls, but I don't feel comfortable leaving him like this. Especially with the kids being home alone. This part is always so hard. I hate when he feels bad. I have been clinging to Jeremiah 32:27 today which reads, "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" He has Scott in His hands. I know that. I just pray He gives Scott some relief soon!

We had a blessing yesterday. Our friends the Holly's are moving to a new house and didn't need their oak dining room table and gave it to us. It fits perfectly in our kitchen. Our old table was wobbly and we all couldn't hardly fit around it. It is beatiful.

Jordan spent the night with her friend Fhionna last night. Their family has a zipline going across their pond on their land. Jordan had a ball playing over there. She has not stopped talking about it. Jess is planning on going to the movies with her friend Lauren tomorrow and Jacob is spending the night with his friend Jackson. I am going to get a haircut and cleaning house I guess. I really need to get a new cleaning lady soon! I can do it right now, but when school starts, I am going to go crazy if I don't have someone in place!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday-Wedding, Sickness and Such

The kids and I went to my cousin Bethany's wedding today. She was so beautiful. It was a little bittersweet. I looked at her and saw my cousin Melissa, her mom. Melissa died from complications of Chrones Disease about 7-8 years ago, can't remember exactly. Bethany looks exactly like her mamma. Seeing her today made me think of Melissa and the wonderful times we had growing up. Melissa would have been so proud of her.
Scott is pretty sick today. He was sick yesterday as well. He has been in bed most of both days. I know the end is in sight, but it sure seems like a long way as well. He will be staying home from church tomorrow. That is always a little hard. We are never at church without him!
Jacob woke up with an earache this morning. Pretty sure it is from too much swimming. I put some swimmers ear in it and he about came unglued. He said it burned! It is feeling better this evening.
The first picture is of my Aunt Lydia and Bethany (Lydia is Bethany's Grandma)
The second pic is of my beautiful kids at the wedding (I am not biased or anything!)
The third pic is of Bethany. Isn't she beautiful?
The fourth pic is of Bethany and her husband Beau. Wow, that sounds weird!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Walking With God

My cousin Teresa had this on her note this morning and it really spoke to me. From Bedside Blessings by Charles Swindoll"Walking with God is the most exciting and rewarding of all experiences on earth. I should add, it is also the most difficult. I don't think I've ever met an exception to the rule, that those who walk closest to God are those who, like Jesus, become acquainted with trials and testings. God takes us through struggles and difficulties so that we might become increasingly more commmitted to Him.""Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing."I Peter 4:12

Through this cancer journey, I have felt God's love and Him drawing me in more than ever. I know my relationship with God does not consist of feeling only, but I love the fact that He has made Himself known more during this time. I have really needed that.

I was talking to Scott this morning and he told me that at his appointment yesterday Dr. Toma told him that he has gone through this better than any patient she has ever had. I am so thankful for that. And, in a crazy funny way, it makes me proud of him. This is the last day of his regular chemo. He will have shots the next two weeks and chemo on the next two Tuesdays. Dr. Toma said in five weeks he will have a CT scan and then see his Neurologist. Amazing that the cracked vertebrate we were so worried about hasn't hardly been mentioned through this. It will be interesting to see how that is.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Incredible Pizza

My sister in law and I took the kids to Incredible Pizza today. We all had a good time. It was fun getting out and away from reality for a while! We got there around 11 and didn't leave until after 4. We ate lunch and dinner there! :) They have a Wednesday special, $12 for unlimited games and rides for an hour and a half. I paid for the first round and the kids wanted to go again, so I told them they had to use their allowance for the other. It was worth it to them! They really had fun. Scott wanted me to bring him home one of their yummy cinnamon rolls, but they said no. So I swung by Walmart to get him a couple. They just aren't the same yummy gooey soft...Scott is feeling pretty wiped tonight. He looks pretty bad. Just a while longer. I just keep telling myself that. I will be so glad for the treatments to be finished. I get to take pictures of a friends kids TBall team and game tomorrow night. I am very excited. I love getting to take pics and play with them!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Last Round!

Mark Shultz He Will Carry Me
I call, You hear me I’ve lost it all And it’s more than I can bear I feel so empty
You’re strong I’m weary I’m holdin’ on But I feel like givin’ in But still You’re with me
chorus: And even though I’m walkin’ through The valley of the shadow I will hold tight to the hand of Him Whose love will comfort me And when all hope is gone And I’ve been wounded in the battle He is all the strength that I will Ever need And He will carry me
I know I’m broken But You alone Can mend this heart of mine You’re always with me
And even though I feel so lonely Like I’ve never been before You never said it would be easy But You said you’d see me through The storm

I love when a song speaks to me! Driving home this evening from my run with my girlies, this song was playing. It spoke to me from the beginning, but then as I listened closer, the very last part, And even though I feel so lonely, Like I've never been before, You never said it would be easy, But You said You's see me through the storm. Wow. So powerful. I have gone through my whole life never really having had a struggle. Then this cancer thing hit us. It is so hard. I feel so powerless, but then God reminds me that He will see me through the storm. He is carrying me and my family.
Scott began his final round of chemo today. His platelets were 104,000. Normal healthy low is 140,000. The dr was satisfied enough to let him begin. He is very tired tonight. He has that cancer look about him. His eyebrows are almost completely gone now and his eyelashes are now going.
I had a great time tonight with my running girls. I jogged nearly 1 1/2 miles and walked about the same. I am hoping to be able to do the 5K with them in October! Never thought I would be saying that!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Thanks for letting me vent the other day. I feel much better! We had wonderful family time yesterday and today. Amazing how much better that makes me feel. Please pray for Scott tomorrow morning. He will have his platelet level checked. It was up from 38,000 to 57,000 on Thursday. It has to be 140,000 to get his chemo tomorrow. If not he will have this week off. We all really want to get this over with. But, if he has the week off, the positive is he will have a week with the kids before they go to Alaska feeling good. I am trying to be positive either way.
Today has been a great Father's Day. We went to church this morning. We came home and I fixed Scott his favorite meal. Homemade mac n cheese, fried potatoes and green beans. I threw in grilled sausages for my dad, he wanted meat! Scott grew up eating this meal. He loves it! I also made an apple pie and we had ice cream. We layed around and watched a movie. Then we went to look at some of the open houses in our neighborhood. It has been just a great relaxing day. I am so thankful. Thanks to those of you who prayed for us. Especially for our time together. It meant alot to me!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Ok so if I am keeping it real, I have to write this. I was so mad yesterday. Not at anyone in particular, just our circumstances. I am so tired of all our plans not working out. We tried all week to get up to Fall's Creek to see Jess. Didn't happen. Scott didn't get to come with me to Family Night at VBS and share in my thrill of getting to hold the monkey, he was feeling too sick. Our date last week didn't happen. See what I mean? Scott kept telling me yesterday, go ahead and go on to Fall's Creek without me and I finally had to tell him, it has nothing to do with where we are going, it was just the excitement of speding time together. As a family. Together. I am missing that so much right now. I told a friend yesterday, then I get to feeling guilty for feeling selfish. ARGH! I know it is going to be much worse next week and the weeks to follow before it gets better. I AM MAD!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ok, the bad news first. Not really bad, but bad enough. Come to find out Scott's platelet level was 38000. Normal is 150,000-450,000. This as you can imagine is not good. He has had a headache several days, I am assuming this is why. He works hard at work all day and comes home just exhausted. He sat down tonight to eat a sandwich and decided he couldn't make it to the VBS Family Night. That is fine, just sad, frustrating, makes me feel so bad for him. We did not hear back from the hospital today on where his numbers are. This just makes me so MAD! As my friend Gordonna said, they see 200 people and think this isn't huge, but when you are going through it it certainly is big. Especially when I need to sleep at night!

Ok, so for the happy part. This is going to seem so silly to you all. But, I have always wanted to pet/hold a monkey. Always, as long as I can remember. Tonight I got to!!!!! At the Family Night, there were animals and it was so neat! It felt a lot like a dog, but it's little hands felt like people hands. Jordan got to hold it as well as a wallaby. It was pretty exciting for us.

We are planning on trying to go to Fall's Creek for a little while in the morning if Scott feels like it. I am ready to see Jess. Jacob gets home tomorrow night. I have a funny story to tell on him. He had called a few times last night and we never connected. I have never known him to get homesick, so I thought surely not. But, there were the calls. This morning I tried to call him back and didn't get him. I told him to call on my cell. So, a little while later he called back and is definitely not homesick. He wanted permission to get an airbrush tatoo! My little rebel! That just cracks me up and makes me so proud at the same time that he thought he better call to get permission! He is getting a tiger on his shoulder. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come, but I guess if it is, it isn't the end of the world!
Yeah for God making such intersting animals! Rach

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sick Tuesday

Scott is sick today. He had his bleomiacin chemo today. Almost didn't get to because his platelets are low. If they are not better by Thursday, he will not get to have his chemo next week. That will really stink. We are so ready to have this behind us, and I know it is just one more week, but that is huge to us. Mentally. He waited almost two hours on the doctor to call back today in the waiting room after his lab today to find out whether or not he could even have it today. He went to work for about a second and came on home. He has been in bed nearly the rest of the day. I think he may have been up for about an hour or so. Days like this are hard. There is just nothing I can do for him. He is miserable.

After VBS today, Jacob, Jordan and I ran to Walmart for a few things then Jacob left for the Great Wolfe Lodge with his friend Noah. He is so excited to go. He will be back on Friday. Jordan watched Ice Princess this afternoon. She still has not caught up on her sleep. I told her I will sleep with her tonight and that we will go early. I am reading Redeeming Love, so I will read and she will sleep! I took Jordan to the YMCA today to swim. She loves that big slide that they have. She would go down, go around the lazy river and go again. We came home and Scott was up. He has been eating lots of pancakes, that is the one thing that really sounds good to him all the time. He has that metallic taste in his mouth constantly and I think the sweet must break through that! He made us all pancakes for dinner. This evening Jordan and I went on a walk. She is so much like me and when she doesn't want to do something she pokes and pouts...I hate it when you see your own flaws in your children...she learned well from me. She putted along our walk. I pushed her and literally pulled her. It was still a little warm, and she thought she was dying! She did come home and jump in the pool for a while to cool off. She loves putting our poor dogs in with her!

A shower is calling. Please remember Scott in your prayers tonight. Thanks!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wonderful Day

This has been a great day. It is amazing to feel "normal". We had VBS this morning. After, we got Jess off to Falls Creek. After that, Scott, Jacob, Jordan and I went to OKC to see Up. It was really good, don't read the next part if you haven't seen it...I was bawling like a baby. The wife dies and wow, that was a little close to home sort of. Not that I think Scott is going to die, I just related. Make sense?

After the movie, we went to Scott's favorite place in the whole wide world...BASS PRO SHOP! He got deer urine. Now that I just don't understand. Seems all sorts of wrong to me. GROSS! But, he and Jacob were sure happy about their purchase. We then went to Sams quick and got a few things.

This evening I went with my girlies to jog/walk. Teresa had a new plan for us tonight. Jog seven minutes, walk one, jog seven, etc for 35 minutes. We had to adjust a little, but I am so proud of our accomplishmsent tonight. We decided to run one minute, walk one after the first seven and it was much more doable for us. I haven't lost any weight yet, which is very frustrating. Hopefully it will begin to come off soon. Our group is trying to think of a name. Any suggestions? I was thinking about making it centered around Isaiah 40:31, "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." I know it is talking about our relationship with Christ, but I am sure claiming this for my new jogging adventure!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Better Day...

Last night was kind of rough. Scott and I were supposed to go to OKC to go eat and to the movies. When Scott got off, he was feeling so exhausted we just ran to Paul's Place here and came home. He took a shower and was in bed by 6:30. I planned to watch the 24 episodes I had missed and couldn't find them on the Fox website. I just will rent the remaining I guess when this season is out...I don't know it may be out.

Today Scott is better. He cleaned out the garage this afternoon. He and my dad worked on the basketball goal. My mom and I took the girls and Lauren to Tulsa to my cousin's wedding shower. We shopped for their remaining theme nights for her camp. I wish I could see her each night. We ate at Fuddruckers (the girls love that place). We shopped a little at Target. Jordan got a few cute shirts. I got some exercise clothes.
I lost that stinkin mom of the year award again today. I accidentally rolled up Jessica's fingers in the car window. I looked up because of the blood curdling scream and she was down rolling around on the ground. She jumped in the car and was screaming and crying. I was trying not to laugh. After this was all over I asked my mom what is the matter with me? Laughing when my child is hurt? She said it is because of my sadistic mother. She always laughed at stuff like that....Anyway, Jess is ok. Her finger is a little bruised, but she is ok. I am sure Lauren thinks we are crazy.
Scott's dad came by yesterday. We went to eat with him. He is helping Scott's brother Gary move to San Diego. It was really nice to see him.I am off to walk/jog with my girlies...till next time!

Friday, June 12, 2009


My friend Juli Clarke wrote a few times on her blog about how we celebrate our children's firsts, but sometimes forget to remember their lasts, the last time they crawl in bed with us, the last diaper, the last time they have a paci...I experienced a last this morning and it brought tears to my eyes. My kids, all three of them are blankie kids. Jess has this clown blanket that my mom hand embroidered. This is actually the second one in her life, although I don't even think she may know that...I need to tell her about it. When we lived in Valdosta, my mom came for a visit and saw that the blanket was falling apart. We talked Jess into giving it up for a week or so so that it could be repaired. My mom UPS'ed it back to us and it was delivered to the wrong address and some mean person stole it. I guess that is where UPS gets the name "OOPS" in our family. She quickly made her another and sent it. Jacob's blanket today is a mess. It started out navy blue. It has elephants embroidered on it. He absolutely loved his blankey. We had his name embroidered on it because it went everywhere with him. Today it is faded to a baby blue, from so many washes, but is well loved and worn. Jacob's blankie was a superhero cape, a whip, rope to tie things up, a skirt, you name it! Jacob actually gave me his blanket about a year ago and asked me to put it away, nearly broke my heart! Now for my Jordan, one blankie didn't do it for her. She had to have two! Anyone that knew Jordan as a baby knew of "Hole Blankie". That stinkin (literally, I had to sneak it to wash it!) hole blankie went everywhere with us. It was crocheted. When Jordan went to Kindergarten, we said no more. It can not go to kindergarten with you! I actually had to take it and put it away becuase it was completely falling apart. I had tied it together in so many places it was pitiful. Now Jordan also had her green blankie, which she still has to this day. My mom made it as well. It has puppies embroidered on it. She always has had to have it to cover with.

All this to tell you of my last this morning...I was making all the beds and found Jess and Jordan's blankets in their rooms. Jess went to Super Summer this week without her red blankie. I cry now thinking of it. She has snuck it to every camp, sleepover, anytime she has been away from home overnight, it has gone with her. She left it behind. How did that happen?! I want to think that it was an accident, but I bet not. She is growing up. If that wasn't a big enough blow to a mamma's heart, I was making the other bed and found Jordan's green blankie! She didn't take it with her on her sleepover. ARGH! I am so happy they are growing up, and try to enjoy every minute of each stage, but times like this make me so sad. Sappy????

My friend Dorraine had this verse on her status this morning and it really spoke to me. "Lamentations 3:22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 24 I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." 25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; 26 it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD." I told her the waiting part is so hard. I know in the next few weeks of Scott's chemo and then the tests, MRI's CT Scans, PET scans, etc, will be so hard. Waiting on those results will not be fun. When you think of us, please ask God to calm our hearts and give us a supernatural ability to wait in "the shadow of his wings!".

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Struck Out Wednesday

I got up this morning and went to the YMCA. Natalie really pushed me today and I am SORE! I am so thankful for her. I love meeting with her. Afterward, I went and picked up my dad so we could go to the farmer's market. I am wanting tomatoes so bad! None. Dad didn't get anything either. I did pick up a rabies shot for my dog though while we were out that way. My mom will give it to him tomorrow.
After, I took Jacob to basketball camp and Jordan and I splurged and got our nails painted. She got pink with zebra stripes and I got my usual red with a pretty flower on my big toes. That was fun to do together. My mom usually takes the girls to get them done. I usually just do my own...I am too cheap. I did love seeing Jordan sitting up in the chair so proud and excited to get them done. She now wants fake fingernails. I told her she will have to pay for those on her own!
After we picked Jacob up from basketball camp I took them to the YMCA to swim. They had just jumped in and the lifeguard blew the whistle to get out. It was thundering. Good grief! So we just went home and got ready for church.
My friend told me that Jess is having a great time at Super Summer. I can't wait to hear about her week. She leaves on Monday again for Church Camp. She will be tired after next week!
Scott is very tired today. He has his bad color again tonight. It is kind of a greenish grayish color he gets. He was in bed when I got home at 8:00 watching TV. He did ask me if we could go on a date Friday night. I was so happy. It has been a long time since we have been able to get out just the two of us. We really need the time together. Anyway it will be nice to get out!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Yesterday was a great day for Scott. I actually felt like we were a "normal" family, whatver that my look like lol! Today he had chemo and is looking pretty bad. He has been laying down most of the evening. He did work all day. We have a mouse in our garage!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH! I thought I saw something this morning run, but told myself surely not, then I found poopy evidence this afternoon. We are setting traps and have told the kids not to leave the laundry room door open going to get a drink in the garage fridge! That is all we need, a mouse in the house...Jordan spent the night with her friend Fhionna last night. I went to the YMCA at 7:00 pm to do weights and will try not to have to do that again. It was very crowded. Made me so uncomfortable. I then went with my IBC jogging girls. We had several people join us yesterday. I love getting together with them. It makes walk/jogging so much more enjoyable. I made it 3/4 mile jogging last night. I know that sounds wimipy, but it is huge for me. My friend Candace and I emcouraged each other and stayed together. We made a deal that we would alternate walking and jogging by the mailboxes. We would walk one and jog one. Worked pretty good. We also jogged the downhills. Jacob started basketball camp last yesterday and loves it! He wishes he could go next week too, but we have VBS and he is going to Great Wolfe Lodge with a buddy at the end of the week. I guess no news is good news with Jess. I am sure she is loving Super Summer! I took her several snacks for her room. She is staying in nasty old Kerr dorm in the basement. I lived down there one semester at OBU. I went and saw my old room. Smelled just the same! Funny...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

VBS Animals

Scott is better today. He at least has the energy to be up and with us. He got in the pool a few minutes with the kids. They loved that! It is still way too cold for me to swim! That water is freezing. This week has been emotionally so hard for me. I am not sleeping yet again. That is frustrating. I was watching Indiana Jones with the kids this afternoon and fell asleep. I hope that doesn't mess me up for tonight. Jess leaves tomorrow for Super Summer at OBU. Jacob starts basketball camp tomorrow. I guess Jordan and I will hang out together! The church brought in animals this afternoon for our VBS enrollment kickoff. There was a python (GROSS!), a tarantula, a bearded dragon, some kind of rodent, I can't remember it's name and a kangaroo! It was very neat seeing and petting the animals! Thanks for praying for us. Rachel

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Horrible Movie...GRRR

I was so excited to take the kids to see Land of the Lost. I asked my mom to go with us and Jordan took a friend. I was so embarassed. There was a very nasty dialogue about Jesus on the cross and several vulgar sexual inuendos (sp). We had to leave in the middle. I just couldn't take that. What has happened to keeping kids movies clean?This weekend is the worst I have ever seen Scott. I have to say this is not fun. It is so frustrating and exhausting emotionally and physically. He has felt so bad that he has gotten snippy. I have to remember that it is just that he doesn't feel good. He just has had enough I think. Still, no fun. He has slept nearly all day. When he isn't asleep he is laying down. That drives him crazy. I am so sad for him. He is so wiped out.Jacob had a great time at the campout last night. He caught a big fish and they killed a snake. It had recently eaten a big frog! The boys disected it. Jacob thought that was the greatest. His feet were black with muddy dirty mess. He scrubbed and asked for help. I tried but didn't have any luck. I told him to just wear socks until it wears off! Pretty gross! Jacob an his friend Jackson swam today and then went to a basketball scrimmage with my dad. He is spending the night at Jackson's tonight. He will be good and tired tomorrow!Say a prayer for Scott. I know he will appreciate it. Hugs, Rachel

Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday again!

Wow!  This week has flown by.  The kids and I have had a fun week, I am sad that Scott has had a very sick week.  He is in bed tonight, has been since about 3:15 or so.  His color is bad tonight.  Hopefully he will start feeling better soon now that this weeks chemo is done.  One more round.  I will be so glad when this is behind us.  
Yesterday the kids and I were going to go to Incredible Pizza in OKC, but changed our plans when we found out some friends were getting together to swim.  We all had a great time!  
I took pictures of my friend Dianna's kids for her.  I am excited for her to see them.  I had a great time taking them and playing with them.  Her kids are beautiful and I had so much fun playing with them.  
Today Jess, Jordan and Jessica's friend Lauren and I went to look for theme night items for Fall's Creek.  We got everything except Christmas night...not sure where we are going to get Christmas clothes in JUNE!  We did get a tie dye kit to make 70's shirts.  Now if you haven't ever tie dyed, you need to at least once.  It is quite a messy project!  We had fun together figuring out what to do.
My mom got back this evening from Equador!  I was so happy to see her!  
Jacob went to the Father Son Campout tonight with Todd and Zachary.  I am thankful they were able to take him since Scott had to miss out.  I know he hates missing this.  He was really looking forward to it.  Next year!  We always try to look on the bright side, but sometimes it is really hard to see.  
Later!  Hugs, Rach

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I love the rain! It rained last night and this morning here. I woke up and heard the thunder. LOVE IT! The high today is only in the 70's! This round of chemo has been really hard for Scott. He was very nauseous Monday night and yesterday just felt bad. He said that he slept very well last night. I am thankful for that.Jess was so funny yesterday. She asked if she could stay in her jammies all day. I said well I guess. She said can I lay and watch tv all day? I told her if that is what she wanted to do that was fine. And she did it! She hadn't just vegged since school was out. She needed it! Next week she goes to Super Summer and the week after that she goes to Fall's Creek to church camp. She will be home two weeks and then the kids all leave to go with my parents to Alaska for a month. I want summer to slow down! I love being home with my kids! Jacob swam and played with his buddies all day yesterday. They went to the movies to see Up. That is the first time we have let him go alone with his buddies. He felt very grown up! He and his buddies were playing basketball on our goal in the front and one of them dunked and broke the goal. GRRRR! If it isn't one thing it is another. I think Scott may try to put the goal up with the pole in the ground. That is one of Jacob's favorite things to do and I love that all the neighborhood kids like to come here to play. I don't want to lose that. I met with my trainer, Natalie this morning. I enjoy our time together. She is so great at encouraging me. I went last night with my walk/jog buddies and jogged around a mile! Not all at once, but I did it! I am very proud!Jordan should be coming home today. I have missed her and will be so glad to see her.I had a verse in Isaiah jump out at me yesterday. It is verse 9, it reads, "Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation." I can't wait until all this chemo and cancer is behind us and I can proclaim that verse loud and proud!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Scott had chemo today. Before he left he was looking at a bill we received Friday. It is so frustrating figuring all that out. It was a pretty significant bill so he was double checking with our bank statement. There were several payments we have made not showing on the bill. GRRRRR! Scott called and the lady was acting like we were trying to pull one over on her. For one, they make him pay upfront for his chemo and shots. He has each time, which is a huge cost. Then when they make a mistake, they act like it is our fault. So frustrating. I think it is getting all figured out. I hope...
Scott came home and rested about an hour after chemo today. His color is the yucky one again. He is resting now on the couch watching Spongebob with Jess.
We grilled out this evening burgers, hotdogs and sausages. It is our first time this summer! Jessica and Jacob swam several times today. I love our little blue pool! We have had it three years and we all enjoy it so much. My dream is to get an inground pool. Maybe someday. Jess and Jacob were standing together and I can't believe how much both have grown! Jacob though will soon be passing Jess. His hands are already lots bigger than hers! My pics from today are of them back to back and comparing hands. So sweet.

Jordan and my dad are in Pryor. She called and they are at my Aunt Lydia's. She got to swim over there today. She said they are having a great time.
I guess no news is good news on my mom. They began their medical clinic today.

I walked/jogged my three miles today. I HATE jogging, but know it is good for me. I jog the downhill parts in our neighborhood. When I am at the YMCA I just walk faster. I will not jog on the treadmill! Just don't like to!
I've really been thinking about Todd's sermon yesterday. He spoke on living out your Christianity. I desire so much to do that. Faith without works is dead. I am praying for God to show me opportunities to serve others. We have been so blessed by people helping with meals and praying for us lately, I want to bless others as well.

Hugs! Rach