Monday, June 1, 2009


Scott had chemo today. Before he left he was looking at a bill we received Friday. It is so frustrating figuring all that out. It was a pretty significant bill so he was double checking with our bank statement. There were several payments we have made not showing on the bill. GRRRRR! Scott called and the lady was acting like we were trying to pull one over on her. For one, they make him pay upfront for his chemo and shots. He has each time, which is a huge cost. Then when they make a mistake, they act like it is our fault. So frustrating. I think it is getting all figured out. I hope...
Scott came home and rested about an hour after chemo today. His color is the yucky one again. He is resting now on the couch watching Spongebob with Jess.
We grilled out this evening burgers, hotdogs and sausages. It is our first time this summer! Jessica and Jacob swam several times today. I love our little blue pool! We have had it three years and we all enjoy it so much. My dream is to get an inground pool. Maybe someday. Jess and Jacob were standing together and I can't believe how much both have grown! Jacob though will soon be passing Jess. His hands are already lots bigger than hers! My pics from today are of them back to back and comparing hands. So sweet.

Jordan and my dad are in Pryor. She called and they are at my Aunt Lydia's. She got to swim over there today. She said they are having a great time.
I guess no news is good news on my mom. They began their medical clinic today.

I walked/jogged my three miles today. I HATE jogging, but know it is good for me. I jog the downhill parts in our neighborhood. When I am at the YMCA I just walk faster. I will not jog on the treadmill! Just don't like to!
I've really been thinking about Todd's sermon yesterday. He spoke on living out your Christianity. I desire so much to do that. Faith without works is dead. I am praying for God to show me opportunities to serve others. We have been so blessed by people helping with meals and praying for us lately, I want to bless others as well.

Hugs! Rach

1 comment:

  1. Hi,Rachel! I've just now figured out out to get to the blog here at home...get to our email at school also, actually. Just wanted to let you know that you and yours are in my prayers. I had some surgery last Thursday, and am facing major surgery June 22nd. Would appreciate your prayers. I have some sort of weird post op infection with a fever of 102, so I'm kind of loopy!! Guess I'll sign off. Love ya'll. Sherry Mc
