Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wonderful Sunday

Our church called Jason Henson to be our music minister! Yeah! It is so exciting! We loved getting to know them this weekend. Scott begins his third chemo tomorrow. I am not looking forward to this. He has felt so good this last week. I am thankful though that this is the half way mark. I know he is also dreading it this time around. Jordan is heading to Pryor with my dad tomorrow. My mom is in Equador on a medical mission trip. Jess wants to swim all day tomorrow. I imagine Jacob will too! They have become little fish again!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Goodbye Gary and Ash

We had dinner with Scott's brother and sister in law tonight. They are moving to San Diego, so this was our one last hooray! I told myself I wasn't going to cry, but boy the tears just came. We love them so much. They have been amazing helping out with Scott. Gary went above and beyond to look at scans, take them to collegues, etc. That meant so much to me. I know we will love getting to visit in San Diego and they will come back to visit, but it just won't be the same. Love you guys!
Jess spent the night last night with her friend Lauren. She also spent the day with them. Jacob spent the night with his buddy Noah last night and spent all day going back and forth from our houses, Noah lives one street over. Jordan had her friend Fhionna spend the night and they spent the day here (my pics today are of them playing dress up...I love that they still are playing. I know that will soon end. I dread that day!) I think everyone is pooped out tonight.
We are excited to get to meet with our music minister tomorrow that is coming in view of a call. It will be great having our staff almost complete! NO ONE can leave now! We love our church family and our staff. They are amazing!
I made the Children's Camp DVD today for Sunday. The ladies that took pictures did an amazing job! I had fun playing with the pictures and arranging them for the slideshow.

Hope everyone has a fun relaxing weekend! Hugs, Rach

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Busy Busy Again!

Scott is feeling great. I hate thinking he will begin chemo again on Monday. I am thankful he didn't have chemo this week. Our church is having a music minister come in view of a call this weekend. Scott would not have been able to be there on Sunday if he would have been just finishing up chemo.

Jess went to her friend Lauren's today. Lauren's birthday is tomorrow, so they are spending the day together. Jacob had a birthday party to go to today. They went to Incredible Pizza in OKC. When he got home another friend asked him to go to spend the night. So he is gone tonight too. Jordan said, that is not fair, can I have someone spend the night? So she invited a friend to spend the night. Those crazy girls got in the pool and swam this evening! The water is very cold!!

I went to the YMCA this morning and got a horrible foot cramp. So, I walked and did the eliptical as long as I could, but had to leave. Once I got home and got it stretched out good it was fine. So I went with my mom and dad to the airport and walked with them. Jacob came along and rode his bike. I went about four miles today. I am proud of that. I just wish I would feel better.

My mom leaves tomorrow on a mission trip to Equador. I will miss her while she is gone! Pray for her safety. My dad is going to Pryor next week for a few days to fish and I think Jordan is going with him.

I got to talk to my friend Jennie today. I sure miss her. She lived in Georgia across the street from us. They now live in Wisconsin. I can just say what I need to say to her, knowing she won't judge me or think I am crazy! She is also very honest, which I appreciate. She encourages me, but also gives me a kick in the butt when I need it! I think I may get to see her in July, but hate the reason why. Her father in law has cancer and has not been given a good prognosis, actually 9-18 months is what the doctors have told him. He lives about 2 1/2 hours from us, so when her family comes to visit him she plans on coming here. I will be so glad to see her!

This is the picture from Tuesday at church camp while we were being prayed for! Powerful! Hugs, Rachel

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fall's Creek

We went to Fall's Creek yesterday. We were not planning on going, but we were told we needed to. During the worship service, they called us on stage and prayed for our family. It was pretty neat. Scott was supposed to be the camp pastor this week and had to cancel when he started chemo. We saw a friend there last night that used to live in Shawnee and has moved away. It was great seeing her.

I imagine Jacob and Jordan will be doing lots of sleeping the next few days. They were both very tired yesterday when we saw them. Their reactions to seeing us at camp was funny. Jacob was glad I think and Jordan would have rathered us not be there. They are growing up.

I am taking Jess today to shop with some of her birthday money. We didn't do much shopping Monday with Scott. She did find a bathing suit though...THANK GOOODNESS! She is too small for the adult bathing suits, and the kids bathing suits don't cover areas she needs covered! We looked and looked! Finally found one at Justice. I really like that place.

I went to the YMCA this morning. I am going to be very sore! I hope this helps me feel better. I have been emotionally spent the last few days. I haven't been sleeping again. That frustrates me. I wake up between 2-3 and am just up. A friend had this verse on her facebook page yesterday and it was just what I needed. The Lord is my fortress; I will NOT be shaken. (Psalm 62:6-7) I love being reminded that God is in control, even when I don't feel like it. I feel I am tinkering on depression right now. I have all these emotions and am not sure what to do with them...I am really leaning on God to pull me through.
The picture today is of Jacob and Jordan at camp with Shannon, our children's minister. We love her!
Anyway, hope you all have a great day! Rachel

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Jessica's 14!

So hard to believe that my sweet baby girl is 14 today. We have had a great day. Jess and her friend Lauren have hung out all day. She is spending the night and we are going to OKC tomorrow. We went to church this morning and then to lunch with my mom and dad and my brother and his friend. Jess picked McAlister's. She loves that place!

Jacob and Jordan left for church camp today. Jacob went last year, but this is Jordan's first year to get to go. I thought she was not going to make it sitting through church. She and her friend Fhionna were wiggleworms! They kept asking me how much longer!!?? I just heard from a friend that they are having a great time!

Scott had a good nap today. He actually went out to his lease today to fish and shoot his guns. I am glad he got to go out and enjoy some time outside. If you didn't hear, our church staff made the Shawnee News Star yesterday with their bald heads and the Baptist Messenger this last week. Scott says it was a hard way to get his fifteen minutes of fame!

The picture today is of Jess and her Uncle Rudy! Happy Birthday baby! I love you bunches!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Scott is doing great today. We watched a movie last night together. The girls spent the night at my parents and Jacob spent the night at his friend Noah's. I was pretty beat last night. I got all checked out of school, got moved back to my original room and got the kindergarten stuff seperated from the prek stuff. Whew! All that to say that I fell asleep during part of the movie. Oh well, I saw the beginning and the end!
You will never believe what I did yesterday. I got to school and had my camera with NO MEMORY CARD!!! Ahhh! So I called my dad to grab it for me before they came to school and guess what? He forgot. So I messed with my camera and took the pics on the internal memory and now I can not figure out where they are or how to get to them. If you know me this is so frustrating to me. I took a picture of Jess this morning with her awards, but I want the pics that I took of the girls in her class. So if anyone has some, please send me one! She got the Outstanding Clarinet Award and the Superintendent's Honor Roll! We are so proud of her! She is becoming such a Godly young woman.
My brother is coming today with his girlfriend from Louisiana. We have never met her. We are all excited to see him. We are celebrating Jessica's 14th birthday tomorrow, but Jacob and Jordan will be leaving for camp right after church. Scott and I are taking Jess and her friend Lauren shopping and to the movie Monday. I am thankful he doesn't have to do treatment this week.
Hugs, Rachel

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Great Friends

We had a great evening with our staff friends. We went out to eat at Fratelli's together tonight. We are so blessed to serve along with our church staff. They are amazing. I love evenings when we get together.
Scott is really tired tonight. He looks a little pale tonight. He gets tired very easy these days. I will be glad for him when that passes. It frustrates him.

Jacob and Jordan had their awards ceremony today. Jacob got an English award, most improved saxophone player award, and another I can't remember. Jordan was on the superintendant's honor roll and got seven individual awards. She was in the top three of her class in several subjects. We are so proud of our kids. They are so amazing! Jess helped with graduation tonight. I haven't heard all about it, she is over at my parents house watching a movie. The last picture of Jacob is of him and his new haircut. I think he looks handsome!

Hard to believe that tomorrow is our last day of school. I am glad. We are all tired. It will be nice to have a break.

Thanks for praying! Rachel

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Scott has had a great few days. He is actually feeling really good. He looks good as well. His platelets were low today. That happened last time too. He was supposed to start chemo again on Monday, but since it is a holiday and he would only have four days next week, Dr. Toma postponed it until the next week. Good in some ways, bad in that that is just another week into the summer. Scott got a sunburn on his bald head Sunday. Where his hat's hole was in the back is RED!!
I have had a busy couple of days. My kindergartners graduated today and did an amazing job at their little program. I am so proud of all of them and will miss them so much. I read the story "I Knew You Could" to them a couple of days ago. I about didn't make it through that sweet book. It is like "The Little Engine That Could" with it's own twist. It talks about all the tracks in life you take and how some are planned and some are not. Part of the book reads, "You'll go through tunnels, surrounded by dark And you'll wish for a light or even a spark. You might get scared or a little bit sad. Wondering if maybe your track has gone bad. So here's some advice to help ease your doubt; The track you took in must also go out. So steady yourself and just keep on going-Before you know it, some light will be showing. And then you'll be out heading to a new place. You'll be ready for the next tunnel you face." Amazing how a children's story can speak to you and have so much wisdom.
I started in an exercise program yesterday. My feet are sore today, so I guess I am going to need some new shoes. A friend of mine is a personal trainer and is giving me 6 weeks sessions as a gift. Thanks Natalie! I am so excited!
Jacob and Jordan have their awards assemblies tomorrow. Jess has hers on Friday. Hugs, Rachel

Monday, May 18, 2009

Last Monday of the School Year

Scott was off today. He was pretty tired from working all day yesterday. He rested some and got his shot. He seems to be feeling really good today. I am thankful for that!

I got home from school today and my parents had put in flowers, bushes and a tree in our back yard. It looks really great! I am so thankful for them! They are always doing nice things for us. Two people from church gave money and plants, thanks to you too! It looks great!

Scott bought the kids a kite. Jacob and Jordan are out flying it this evening. They are having a ball! Jess came out and watched a little, she is getting so grown up, she likes stuff like that for a while, then would rather be inside piddling around!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Super Sunday!

We had a wonderful time with our church family at the Family Fun Day. As Bill Buchanan said, it was good to laugh. We had a great church service this morning. The youth led the service. A few student's who participated in the discipleship class were interviewed by Brother Todd. It is amazing their maturity in Christ. I am thankful they are there to be examples to my kids. Today has been a good day for Scott, he is just very very tired from being at the church all day. He feels lots better than he did last night. His bones ached pretty bad last night. One more week and then the third round of chemo begins. I was reading in Deuteronomy 31 this week and a verse that stuck out to me was in verse 8, given to the Israelites by God through Moses. They were going into the promised land. Verse 8 reads, "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." That really spoke to me, as I tend to get discouraged and quite honestly scared. I know the prognosis is good, I know we will make it through this, the process quite frankly stinks and is scarey. I love being reminded that the Lord has gone before us and is with us. I think I overthink things sometimes. Anyway, this is the last week of school! I am ready for a break, but as I said before, I am going to be so sad "losing" my sweet class. Whoever gets them next year will be so blessed! I hope they enjoy them like I have! Hope everyone has a great week! Hugs! Rachel

Friday, May 15, 2009


So glad today is Friday. Scott had a good day. He worked all day, came home and we all ate dinner at my parents, minus Jess. She had a Sunday School Party. I was thinking today about how amazing God is at meeting all our needs. ALL OUR NEEDS! Tonight was supposed to be the father son campout. It was cancelled because we are supposed to get rain and storms tonight. Scott would have went to the campout because he felt he was resposible to, even if he would have felt horrible. God even knows when to send the rain.

I have struggled today with my emotions, no reason why, I think I am just tired and feeling run down. I was weepy today and had to hold it in alot. I know tomorrow will be a better day.

Jordan had the rehearsal for her dance recital tonight. She did such a good job. She takes ballet, tap and Christian Lyrical, which by the way was amazing. Made me cry. Here is a picture of her tonight! Have a good weekend!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Not so great today

Scott is feeling pretty run down today. He didn't work, he stayed in bed most of the day. He seems a little down about not feeling great. I am so thankful the Father Son campout was canceled. I don't think he would have the energy for it.

Jordan had her school performance tonight. It was the DinoStars. It was really cute. They did a great job. Her classroom teacher, Mrs. Young's daughter Monica was in a car accident today. Say a prayer for their family. She has a stable fracture in her neck. She had to have 37 stitches on her face. There were four people in the car and one of the passengers had to be mediflighted to OKC. I know they will appreciate your prayers.
The picture today is of Jordan and her music teacher, Mrs. Davis.
Hugs, Rach

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Scott is much better today. Thank you all for your prayers. His color is back this evening and seems much more chipper. He got the kids a new Wii Game today, Redneck Jamoboree. It looks pretty funny. Jacob and Jordan are really enjoying it. Jess is working on homework. We had a really neat God moment today, I have been wanting to join the YMCA and went last week to find out info on it. It was very expensive and Scott and I decided to not do it right now. I told no one about checking into the cost, but did mention to a couple of the moms (dear friends!) in my class that I was wanting to join for the release of running, walking, just getting out. I went on, just accepting that this wasn't going to happen right now. Today one of my moms from class sent me a note saying that they knew of a program that gives scholarships to people with circumstances such as ours to the YMCA and that they had talked to the director and we qualified. I am so amazed that God is so interested even in the small, trivial details of our lives. It is so great! I am crying right now thinking about it! God is good all the time!

Today is my mom and dad's 38th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary mom and dad! Thanks for all the time you invest in the kids lives! We love you very much! The picture is at their wedding. My mom, Sandy was 18 and my dad, Larry was 23. Love you mom and dad!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sick This Evening

Scott is feeling pretty sick this evening. He got home from work and was pastey white. He went and layed down right away and only came out for a few minutes. The kids band concert was tonight and I think he went right to bed when we left. Tuesday's are Bleomiacin (sp?) days. That particular chemo is really hard on him. They had trouble drawing blood the other day (I wish they would have put in a power port, but they said that they don't really use those here...). They left a pretty big bruise on his arm. He finally told the nurse to please try on the other arm, she was really digging into him. They did eventually get it. Days like today are hard. I hate it when he feels so bad because there is just nothing I can do to help. Please pray he feels better tomorrow. Last round, Thursday is when he started hurting in his bones and joints from the shots he gets everyday.Jess and Jacob did a great job at their band concert tonigt! I am so proud of them. Jess plays clarinet and Jacob plays sax. Jordan had dance this afternoon and has it again tomorrow to get ready for her recital this coming weekend.

Monday, May 11, 2009

One Monday to go!

Wow! I can't believe I only have one Monday left of school! This has been a good day. Scott worked half a day then came home and slept. He started those horrible shots today. They made his bones and joints hurt pretty bad last time. He seems to be doing really well this evening. He has some indigestion, but other than that, he is doing good.
I was listening to the House FM this morning and this was a passage they quoted. It really spoke to me:1 Corinthians 1:3-7 reads, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have recieved from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfot and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort."You know when this cancer mess started, I prayed that we will be able to help someone through a hard time they are having. I have read a blog of a college acauaintance that has helped me tremendously. I hope someday, someone will gain something, some hope from our journey. This passage summed up what I felt!
Jacob has a sports banquet tonight. Our friends the Cooper's are taking him. Scott can't be out in public, and I just didn't want to go alone. I am so thankful for those that are helping us through this time. This is going to be a busy week. Jess and Jacob both have band concerts tomorrow night. Jordan has a music program on Thursday night. Jacob and Jordan have AWANA awards tomorrow night. Jordan's dance recital is this weekend. Practice is Friday and the recital is Saturday night. Jacob has a father son campout Friday night, please pray Scott will feel strong enough to go. Jacob is really excited about this! Then also on Saturday the girls, my mom and I are going to my sister in law's baby shower luncheon! WHEW! I keep telling myself it is just one week and to enjoy every minute. I know we will blink and I will be wishing to have kiddo activities to go to! Til next time! Rach

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Great Weekend!

We have had a great weekend. Yesterday, Jess and Jacob went to a band festival and then to Frontier City with school. My mom ended up not having to work and went with them. I think they all had a good time. Jordan was supposed to have dance and at the last minute it was called off, her teacher was sick. She did go to her AWANA party. She had a great time. Scott was pretty tired yesterday and layed around most of the day. We rented a movie and watched it together last night, the kids spent the night at Nana and Papa's. This was a great Mother's Day. The kids and I went to church with my parents. Scott has to stay away from crowds right now, so he stayed home and got dinner ready for us. He is pretty tired still, but feeling fine. We ate with my parents, then I had a nap and then just layed around most of the day. I worked on report cards. We all took a walk this afternoon, it started misting on us, so it was pretty short. That was a blessing, just getting out with all of us. We are watching Fun With Dick and Jane this evening. It is one of Jacob's favorite movies. It is so funny! Only two more weeks of school! Can't believe that! 'Til next time, hugs, Rachel

Friday, May 8, 2009

Two Down, Two to Go!

Scott is done with another round of chemo. He seems pretty tired. He wanted to spend some dad/son time with Jacob tonight, so he took him to shoot their guns for a few minutes at their lease. He and Jacob love piddling around out there and have both missed their time together. Jess babysat tonight and Jordan hung out at my parents. She and Jacob are spending the night tonight over there. I went to Ladies Night In at our church tonight. We had a ball! There was a carnival theme, complete with junk food and great silly games. We laughed so hard. I needed that very much! It was so uplifting just to hang out with my girls. They are amazing! I don't know what I would do without them! Our devotion tonight spoke to me so much! It was from Ecclesiastes 4. Talking about fellowship and how we need our friends. I am so thankful for each of you who have been my shoulder to cry on, my strength when I had none and just my friend. You are all so very special to me! I have seen Christ's love through you all! I love ya love ya love ya!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Here is Jordan in her landrun outfit.

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Much Much Much better today! I am so thankful. Scott slept about an hour while he was getting chemo and rested before the kids and I got home. He was up and about and had dinner with us! I am looking forward to the Ladies Night Out tomorrow night at church! It sounds like so much fun. I can not wait to hang out with all the girls at church.Jordan had her fieldtrip today. She looked so cute in her 1800's dress and polka dot rain boots. That just made it her! And, by the way, she loved having her cold grilled chicken! Jacob went to the YMCA with a friend tonight for a little while. After, I got to spend some good one on one time with him, at his favorite place...WALMART! :) It was good though to get to be with him. He and Jess are getting excited to go to the band trip to Frontier City on Saturday. My dad is going with them, that will be an adventure! Jordan has dance and a church party Saturday. I hope to get all our mountain of laundry done and put away! I told the kids I want a kitten for Mother's Day and to tell Scott, I think that is a fat chance! He just isn't the cat type, I sure like them though!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Scott is sick. He looks pretty bad right now. I tried to think how to put this into a positive tonight, but to be honest, I don't know how. He hasn't tried to come out of our bedroom to see the kids tonight. That is very unlike him. Pray for strength. This has zapped his energy and spirits this time. I have to tell you it is really hard to see him like this. I'm feeling really helpless. I want to make this better for him, but there is nothing I can do. Frustrating. Music really speaks to me and the song that is coming to my mind right now is "His strength is perfect when our strenght is gone. He'll carry us when we can't carry on." I am counting on that tonight. I feel spent. Nothing can prepare you for how emotionally draining this is. I am not complaining, just being honest.

Something that made me smile today was a story that Kellie Young told me (she's Jordan's teacher and a good friend!). Jordan is going to Harn Homestead tomorrow. It is a school set up like in the 1800's. The kids wear landrun clothing and bring food they would have eaten during that time for a school lunch. She said that an ideas was chicken, bread, cheese, etc. Jordan hopped out of her seat and said to everyone, in typical Jordan enthusiasm, "You know my dad has cancer and people have been bringing us food like crazy. We had chicken last night, so that is perfect!!" Just really matter of fact. So we just bagged up some chicken, homemade bread, cheese and some cookies.

Jacob made me smile because he asked if we still have the movie Toy Story. I said yes, but it was at school. He asked to bring it home and the kids are watching it this evening, remembering how much Jacob loved this movie when he was little. It was the first movie we took him to the theater to see (Toy Story 2). He used to sleep with his Woody and Buzz, and heaven help us if we couldn't find one of them come bedtime! They are getting so big.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pretty Blah Day

Today wasn't the greatest for Scott. I needed a tie tied this morning for my class, I am taking pictures for mother's day. I asked Scott to tie it. He tried around 20 minutes and couldn't tie it. He just couldn't remember how. Scott says that it is called chemo brain. At times people doing chemo forget how to do normal day to day activities. It was really a hard blow, even knowing these things are possible, when they happen are no fun. After I had left for work Scott was able to tie it. Strange. Scott is really tired and seems down tonight. He is "grieving" all the kids activities and end of the year awards he is missing. I had a good cry this morning and feel better. I am so blessed to have such a Godly principal. I went to her this morning and she prayed for me and is such a blessing in my life.

On a lighter note, Jess was inducted into the Grove National Junior Honor Society tonight. She looked beautiful! I am so proud of her. The picture I posted is of Jess and her best friend Lauren.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday...

Wow! I got up this morning and got to school about 6:15. It felt great to be back. I am so thankful everyone is well. Had a great day at school. I took the girls to the mall tonight to get a few summer clothes. They both have been saving their weekly allowance and their clothes allowance for a while. Jordan actually still had a little birthday money, so off to the mall we went. They got some cute things. It was nice spending time with them. Jacob didn't want to go so he hung out with my parents. I did find some shirts for him, that made him happy. He was funny a few minutes ago rolling around on the floor covered in a blanket mumbling I hate the isn't supposed to be cold right now! He is such an outside boy this rain is messing with him! I am sure in July we will be wishing for this rain and coolness.
Scott was able to begin chemo today. He is pretty worn out tonight. He looks pale. He is in the shower and I assume he will be going to bed soon. I think some of the meds he takes to keep him from getting sick make him tired. I am so impressed with his upbeat attitude. He is my hero.
I was feeling pretty overwhelmed last night. I told Scott I had teared up all day. Just lots of emotions rolling around in my heart. In my Bible Study last night, I learned my verse for the week is Deuteronomy 30:11 which reads. "Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach." Not too difficult! That encouraged me and I then remembered Joshua 1:9 which reads, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord you God will be with you wherever you go." God is with me. I need to keep focused on Him, knowing He knows my emotions and feelings. Also I realized again that it is ok to be emotional. Sometimes I feel like I need to hold me and everyone else together. I can't do that I need to "let go and let God!" Sometimes that is easier said than done! I hope that makes sense!?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Immanuel Baptist Church Shawnee Staff! Beautifully Bald

Bald Beauties

Todd, Mark, and Brian, the kindness you have shown Scott in "going bald" with him has touched my life, even though I knew it was coming this morning, emotions welled and I was overcome with emotion. I can not say thank you enough. I know it seems silly, but it has made such an impact on me. I tear up every time I think of it! Thank you just does not seem to be enough.

Scott begins chemo again tomorrow, provided his platelet levels are good. Please pray as he goes into this week for strength and as little sickness as possible. We have been told that with each treatment, sickness will increase. I feel nervous going into tomorrow.

I was listening to my iPod while I worked at school this afternoon and heard Jeremy Camp's song, I Still Believe and it touched me so much, it is my heart. Even in my fears and uncertainty I choose to believe. Here are the words:

Scattered words and empty thoughts
Seem to pour from my heart
I've never felt so torn before
Seems I don't know where to start
But its now that I feel your grace fall like rain
From every fingertip washing away my pain
I still believe in your faithfulness
I still believe in your truth
I still believe in your holy word
Even when I don't see, I still believe
Though the questions still fog up my mind
With promises I still seem to bear
Even when answers slowly unwind
It's my heart I see you prepare
But its now, that I feel, your grace fall like rain
From every fingertip washing away my pain
I still believe in your faithfulness
I still believe in your truth
I still believe in your holy word
Even when I don't see, I still believe
Well the only place I can go is into your arms
Where I throw to you my feeble prayers well in brokenness
I can see that this was your will for me
Help me to know that you are near
I still believe in your faithfulness
I still believe in your truth
I still believe in your holy word
Even when I don't see, I still believe
I still believe
Ohhh, I still believe, I still believe

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Back in the Land of the Living

Are you ready for this? We all (my whole family!!!) went out to lunch today and to the movie! AMAZING! It is so nice to all be feeling well. I recieved a gift card to Chili's and to the movies a few weeks ago so we used both. We went to see Monsters Vs. Aliens, it was ok. Not great, but ok. The main great thing was we were all together and healthy! We are back at home. That feels great as well. We are looking forward to church tomorrow to see all the bald heads. I can't wait to take pictures. Scott looks very handsome bald. Jacob is so funny, he wants to get his head shaved, then doesn't want to get his head shaved. I think he is wanting some buds to do it with him. He cracks me up. I told him to do whatever. Whatever he chooses will be fine.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Well, today proved to be another exiting day in the Schooler household. Jordan went to school this morning, Jess stayed in bed pretty much all day with a fever, and boy does Jacob feel better. He has ants in his pants big time. He needs to run a few times around the block I do believe! I went home for a while today and worked on my scrapbook. It felt so good to just be home. I will be glad when everyone is fever free and we can be together again under one roof.

Today after school I went to pick up Jordan and get all the work Jess and Jacob have missed. Went in, got everything taken care of, went to my car tried to start it and......nothing happened. I thought, ok, this really can't be happening right? Jordan and I sat there for a minute or so and tried again. I looked at her and said great. I called Scott and he came and tried to help. Nothing. Notta. Zilch. Soooooo, my car will sit at Grove until tomorrow. Hopefully it is just the battery or something small. I guess the saying when it rains it pours is happening to us. Scott had a premarital counseling appointment and an appointment with Todd to get Todd's head shaved. I will post a pic. I am also posting a pic so you can guess who it is!!! You will never believe it! I heard today that several high schoolers are getting together tomorrow to shave their heads for Scott and the middle schoolers are going to the Burchfield's to shave theirs. I will definately post pics!