Monday, May 4, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday...

Wow! I got up this morning and got to school about 6:15. It felt great to be back. I am so thankful everyone is well. Had a great day at school. I took the girls to the mall tonight to get a few summer clothes. They both have been saving their weekly allowance and their clothes allowance for a while. Jordan actually still had a little birthday money, so off to the mall we went. They got some cute things. It was nice spending time with them. Jacob didn't want to go so he hung out with my parents. I did find some shirts for him, that made him happy. He was funny a few minutes ago rolling around on the floor covered in a blanket mumbling I hate the isn't supposed to be cold right now! He is such an outside boy this rain is messing with him! I am sure in July we will be wishing for this rain and coolness.
Scott was able to begin chemo today. He is pretty worn out tonight. He looks pale. He is in the shower and I assume he will be going to bed soon. I think some of the meds he takes to keep him from getting sick make him tired. I am so impressed with his upbeat attitude. He is my hero.
I was feeling pretty overwhelmed last night. I told Scott I had teared up all day. Just lots of emotions rolling around in my heart. In my Bible Study last night, I learned my verse for the week is Deuteronomy 30:11 which reads. "Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach." Not too difficult! That encouraged me and I then remembered Joshua 1:9 which reads, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord you God will be with you wherever you go." God is with me. I need to keep focused on Him, knowing He knows my emotions and feelings. Also I realized again that it is ok to be emotional. Sometimes I feel like I need to hold me and everyone else together. I can't do that I need to "let go and let God!" Sometimes that is easier said than done! I hope that makes sense!?

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say I love you. Thanks for sharing your day and your heart. We are rejoicing that Scott's counts were up.
    Praying for a great week for all,
