Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Praise God!

What a great day! The dr says that Scott's cancer is GONE! She said that he will need to meet with the neurosurgeon just to be safe. He has loss in bone there where the cancer was, but Dr. Toma was not concerned. She suggested taking calcium. We asked about his port and she said her philosophy is why wait for the cancer to return, take it out! She feels we are done with cancer! She also said there is no guarentee, but that she is very optimistic. I can not tell you what a relief that is for us! Scott will go back to the dr in three months for another CT scan and MRI and blood work. He is anemic, but that should resolve itself soon. Wow, what a relief all this is. Thank you all for praying for us. I was a nervous wreck last night. I thought there was no possible way I would sleep and God just was so faithful to let me have a good nights rest. I know God was in that, reading Psalm 29:11. "The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." I certainly have felt that peace today. I was reading some of my verses I have bookmarked through this journey and read Psalm 50:15 this morning. It reads, "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor Me." I want God to recieve all praise and honor for Scott's healing. He made a horrible situation bearable. He put people in our lives along the way to help and guide us. I am so thankful for my faith. How do people do it that don't believe? We are anxiously awaiting the day when we hear the word remission! I will continue to blog. This has been such a great tool for my emotions. Thanks again for your love, support and prayers! Rachel