Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday last week was FAST!

Amazing how quick the weeks are going by. Last week it was Monday and next thing I knew it was Friday. We had a good week. The kids are really getting into the school routine. They are all liking it. Each of them had a friend spend the night Friday night. We went to the JSL Kickoff Supper. It was fun. Saturday we just hung around the house. Our pool is officially toast. Scott had got the filter working for a few weeks, but as cool as it has been it would have been to cold to swim. Three years with a blue pool with poles from Walmart is pretty good I guess. We will definitely get another one next year. I love that the kids want to have their friends to our house. It is so worth it to me to know where they are and exactly what they are doing.

My parents got home Sunday. I am so glad to have them home. Life can now start feeling normal again. I think even all our dogs were happy to see each other!We grilled out tonight burgers and hotdogs. My mom and dad came over and ate with us. I enjoy having them across the street so much! Jess is helping more and more in the kitchen. She made baked beans tonight and did a great job.

Jacob missed football practice tonight to go out to Scott's lease to see about the deer feeders and tree stands. They are both so excited for deer season to start. My dad brought some of the fising gear they used in Alaska and had Jacob show us how he banged the salmon on the head to get them all the way in. Now that was a sight I am sure! I guess some of the people fishing in Alaska were talking about how good Jacob fished. He has that Troyer fishing gene that is for sure! Jordan likes to fish as well, I just have a hard time letting that happen. I know I know, but I just can't stand fishing. Hard for me to understand her wanting to fish. Jess is just like me. HATES IT! I am just not an outdoorsy kind of girl.

Scott had a wonderful report from the neurosurgeon Friday. No surgery. He is just going to continue with his scans and then if his neck and back hurt too much they will reevaluate. Hopefully it will heal on it's own. He gets to hunt with a crossbow this season and he is pumped about that. Funny the little things that make you happy.

I am really enjoying getting to know the new teachers at school. I think there is a good mix. I have so fallen in love with my kids. Amazing to me how quickly that happens. I was thinking about that this morning. Each of them is precious. Even the hard ones. That is how I know I am doing exactly what I was called to do. Even on my very worst day, I want to go back. So rewarding.

The pics are from the sleepover Friday.

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