Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bye Bye Summer

It is so hard for me to believe that summer is winding down. I pretty much have my room finished. I have a couple more little things to finish, but nothing major. It is going to be so hot when we start. That will make it hard on the little ones. They need to go out, but it is almost too hot for them to. I went with my friend Marcy today to get a pedi. I had a great relaxing time. Thanks Marcy! Scott asked me tonight if I want to run to Dallas this weekend. He needs to get some stuff for church. We will probably leave Friday night and come back Saturday evening. I say let's go! I have been wanting to have a get away all summer. God is so good to answer even the most trivial wants in our lives! Scott's big day is tomorrow to get out his port. I am ready for that to be done! Just one more step to "normal"! He has to be there at 7:45. We should be home by 11:00 or so. The kids have been having a good time. They went on their private boat tour seeing whales, porpoises, icebergs, and did some fishing. They are back to the fishing camp now. They will be traveling to Anchorage in the next few days. Then Sunday they will be coming home! My parents plan is to stay another month. I hope they come home sooner. I want them to have a great time, but I am missing them so much! How did we ever make it when we lived in Georgia? God's grace I guess! We had an amazing church service on Sunday. The music was so amazing in the morning and at night. We had a night of praise Sunday night and wow. We have some amazing talent in our church. Scott preached Sunday morning and did a really good job. I love hearing him preach. Hope everyone is enjoying their last few days of summer vacation! Hugs!

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