Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reflecting on 2009

I have been thinking about all I want to write about reflecting on 2009. Who would have ever known the roller coaster ride our family would go on in the course of a year's time. Looking back I see the hand of God in our lives so magnificently!
In January, Scott and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. To celebrate, we were planning and saving for a trip to San Diego to see his brother, sister in law and new baby niece in October. We were so happy and excited about the pending trip!

In January, my parents moved to Shawnee. This was so exciting for us becuase they had tried to sell their "farm" in Pryor for about three years off and on. We were pumped that not only were they moving to Shawnee, but moving directly across the street from us. This was God's amazing work. There were no houses in Shawnee on the market at that time that would meet the needs they were looking for. Little did we know the storm we were about to be in.

Also in January, Scott and I celebrated ten years of being in Shawnee at Immanuel Baptist Church. We love Immanuel. It is such an amazing church family. We were about to experience just how wonderful.

In February, we celebrated Jordan and Scott's birthdays. We were busy with the kids basketball schedules. Scott had been feeling bad for a month or so and began having some strange symptoms. He was having back and neck pain and numbness in his hands and arms. We didn't think much about this because he had hit his head pretty hard over the summer and he had been to the dr and was told he was fine, not to worry, it was probably just a pinched nerve.

In March the kids and I were excited to go to my brothers in Louisiana over Spring Break with my parents. Scott's symptoms were worsening. He went to his regular doctor, after he told Gary, his younger brother who had just finished med school that he could not make a three with his fingers, who ordered an MRI. Gary was doing his first year residency in OKC and met Scott to take a look at it. Little did we know that poor Gary had seen a tumor, but didn't say anything becuase he wanted a trusted friend to look at it.
Now is when our lives just became a tornado. Gary tried calling Scott several times, but could not reach him. When he couldn't reach him, he had Ashlie, my sister in law call me and told me to have Scott call Gary immediately. I knew right then Scott's cancer was back. God had been preparing me. I had even mentioned to my friends in my Bible Study that it was a huge fear that I had. Gary was able to get a friend and collegue to help Scott see a Neurosurgeon within and hour. He read the MRI and said you need to begin radiation immediately. Not tomorrow, today, within the hour. The tumor was wrapped around Scott's spinal cord and was about to cause paralyzation. God was at work again. God put Gary and Ash in OKC the first year of his residency I am sure to help Scott get treatment so quickly. We didn't know what we were dealing with, but began radiation and were given an appointment the next day with the radiation oncologist. Scott's brothers and sister in laws met us in OKC that evening. We were so thankful for them coming.

One of the hardest parts of this whole cancer journey was about to be. We had to go home and tell our children that Scott's cancer was back. I will never forget that night. Jacob, my big tough boy, sat in my lap and sobbed for over an hour. I hope to never experience that again.

The next day, we were not given good news (thank you Jesus the doctor was wrong). He didn't give Scott a good prognosis. He said Seminoma cancer never jumps around and the cancer was in his bones. We also met with Scott's regular doctor who set Scott up to see the chemo oncologist. What a blessing Dr. Toma has been in our lives. When we saw her she said that seminoma cancer can jump the way it did in Scott. There are three cases that she knows of! That is not three in her care, three in the world! Scott's cancer did something only three people are known to have done in the WORLD! Holy Moly! We found out it was stage four, it was in his lymph nodes and in his spleen. Dr. Toma very matter of fact told us no problem. We can cure this. I could have kissed her.

March through June of 2009 are a blur in my mind. Scott had radiation and chemo. Let me tell you about our amazing friends and family. I did not prepare a meal in those nearly four months. EVER! Dinner was brought to our house every night. This helped so much. It was amazing not having to worry about taking care of meals and it helped our budget. Some men from the church and my dad began mowing our lawn. There were not many days that we didn't recieve a note of encouragement from someone. Those meant so much to me. I had my friends support in so many ways. They listened to me, prayed for me, laughed and cried with me. When I felt so down and drained they were there.
In April, Scott had said that he was so glad he hadn't lost his hair yet. Funny, this is what Jordan was most scared of. The next day, I kid you not, the next day, he pulled a huge clump out of his hair. He and our youth minister went that day to shave their heads. Our church staff touched me so deeply. They all shaved their heads to support Scott. That meant the world to me.

In July, Scott finished his chemo. We went to my family reunion and after, the kids left to go with my parents to Alaska. They were gone about five weeks. My parents are amazing. I am so thankful for the time they invest in my kids lives.

Scott and I were able to go to his parents in July. I went to a conference and Scott was able to spend time with his parents. Their love and support through this journey was amazing. I am so thankful for them. While we were there, our sweet baby niece Addison was born in San Diego.

Scott and I were able at the beginning of August to go to Dallas for the weekend. It was so nice to get away together. We did some shopping and saw a movie.

In August we got the kids right before school started. I began teaching prek this year. It was a very bumpy start, but I love my job. The kids are growing up. Jess started eighth grade, her last year at Grove :( Jacob started sixth grade and Jordan fifth grade.
September was great. We continued in our routine through November. In November we heard news that just made us so happy. Scott found out that his cancer is gone. He will not be in remission for five years, but for his cancer to be gone is just amazing. He has some neuropothy left and his neck and back hurt from the cancer eating away the bone, but he is healthy. I am so thankful.
Through this whole journey of this year, as hard as it was, I have felt the presence of God in my life more than ever before. He has been my rock. He gave me strength and peace. Not to say that this wasn't the hardest thing I have ever endured, but my God is faithful and walked with me and carried me through the storm.
The other day I was driving and had the radio on. I heard Third Day, who is probably my favorite group, singing Mountain of God. The words of this chorus just wrap up my year. They are:
Even though the journey's long
And I know the road is hard
Well, the one who's gone before me
He will help me carry on
After all that I've been through
Now I realize the truth
That I must go through the valley
To stand upon the mountain of God

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