Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oh my....

Well, today is another crazy day for the Schooler's. I got up this morning, still had a little fever. So did Jacob, but Jess and Jordan thought they could both do school today. Jess was there right under an hour and had to come home. Fever...While she was gone, I made Jacob some grits, one of his favorite breakfasts. He was pretty hungry and at the whole two servings with cheese. WARNING!!! If you get grossed out easy, you may not want to read this part! Bless his heart, he sneezed and I kid you not, the kid shot diarreah across the kitchen. Not just a little either. Well, of course he is mortified! He started crying, and guess what? I lost the mom of the year award!!! I started laughing so hard. Can you imagine? A sneeze and diarreah, hmmmmm. I put him in the shower, clothes and all and told him to rinse, strip and clean up. I cleaned up the kitchen and laughed through it all. I told him it is ok, not to worry about it! So, I am assuming I will not be at school again tomorrow. I hate missing. I only have two and a half weeks left with my little ones and there are so many things that I want to do with them. It will wait and I know it will be fine. I just feel bad missing work. I am so thankful I was able to be home with the kids when they were small. I can't imagine going through all those childhood illnesses worrying about work too. My hat goes off to all you mommies who work with little ones. I have such an appreciation for you all!

Scott is doing great. He is holding the fort down at home. Thank goodness this isn't a sick week for him, or I would really be torn. He went to the doctor yesterday. He asked what stage his cancer is. We never thought to ask and people keep asking us and we didn't have a clue. It is stage 4 since it is out. I don't think I posted that the cancer is not only in the bone around his spinal cord, but also in a lymph node and in his spleen. His prognosis is very good and we are confident that God is going to heal him completely. He begins chemo again on Monday. Please pray that all will go as smoothly this time as last. His platelet level is down right now and if it is not better by Monday, he will not be able to start again. So please specifically pray that those levels will rise. Still seems weird to me that he has to be well to get sick...

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